Monday, April 09, 2007

Winner - Loser

A winner works harder, and has more time. A loser is always busy,

A winner goes straight to the problem. A loser goes around the problem / or never solves it.

A winner makes a commitment. A loser promises too readily.

A winner knows when to fight hard and when to give way. A loser gives way on important issues or holds on to things that aren't worth fighting for.

A winner feels strong enough to be friendly. A loser is rarely friendly and at times, can be a tyrant.

A winner listens. A loser waits for his turn to talk.

A winner respects other's strengths. A loser focuses on other's weaknesses.

A winner learns from others. A loser is resistant to others.

A winner explains. A loser makes excuses.

A winner feels responsible for more than just his own work. A loser says, "That's not my job."

A winner sets his own pace. A loser has only two speeds: full speed ahead or dead slow.

A winner uses time to improve. A loser uses time to avoid criticism.

A winner isn't afraid of making mistakes. A loser is afraid of making mistakes and of what others will say.

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